So Shot - Feature Film, Drama (Coming soon)
So Shot is a dramatic independent feature film I edited that had a mix of grounded slice of life scenes, comedic banter, and some trippy expressionistic montage sequences used to embody the regret, longing, and psychological pain the protagonist is going through.
Finding Pen15 - Web Series, Comedy (Coming Soon)
Each episode of this 6 part fast-paced comedic web series played with a different genre. From martial arts action to a Western stand-off to a horrific nightmare sequence, each episode goes off on a different stylistic tangent while maintaining the fun and feeling of the central story. I also edited this trailer.
Comedy Shorts and Sketches
Short Films

Insight (Feature Film, Action)
I was one of the editors on the martial arts/ action feature film, Insight. The film featured extended fight scenes packed with lots of action choreography, as well as a twisting mystery plot.